About our Instructors


We use the most recent research on exercise physiology.

Power for Parkinson's fitness instructors use the most current research available regarding Parkinson's and exercise physiology. We believe this will allow a broader spectrum of people to participate, and ensure each person receives a targeted level of exercise intensity to improve their physical capabilities, while feeling connected to the group as a whole.

Be active. Connect with others.

Our instructors engage people with Parkinson's in regular exercise to slow or even reverse the effects of Parkinson's disease, improve their overall sense of well-being, and provide opportunities for socialization.


Meet our Instructors


Lauren Lewis

Lead Fitness Instructor ~ Move & Shout + Young Onset Circuit Training


— Where did you grow up?

Northern NJ (Englewood Cliffs)

What experience and credentials do you have?

I hold a Fitness Instructor Certification (150 credits) from Marymount College as well as an NFPT Personal Training Certificate. -Taught group classes and Personal Training throughout the NY area, Austin JCAA, Hills Fitness Center. Developed and implemented 6 Week Beginner Senior Fitness Course (grant given by St. Davids Austin), Facilitated Master Classes for group fitness instructors (Lucille Roberts Fitness NY/ Alzareika Studio NY/ American Fitness Factory NY,) Voted Best Fitness Class in the Hamptons for “Total Torture” class.

How long have you worked in the fitness industry?

Since 1986! That’s 35 years of group fitness instruction plus 25 years of personal training - and still going strong!

What excites you about fitness?

I enjoy vigorous activity and exercising. I like how I feel during and after – it gives me a feeling of success and accomplishment, and I really like trying to share that experience with others. I love finding ways to make boring or tedious or difficult or painful exercises more doable and even possibly enjoyable. I love seeing progress in people who have not previously seen success, and I love to show how exercise can not only be beneficial, but fun!


What hobbies or interests do you have outside of fitness?

Cooking, reading, hiking, opera, and comedy.

Who inspires you?

Venus & Serena Williams


Nancy Bain

Lead Dance Instructor ~ Strength & Balance + Rhythm & Moves Instructor


— Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Houston, Texas.

How long have you been involved in dance and fitness?

I danced with a semi-professional company growing up, and started teaching both children and adults at age 16!


What experience and credentials do you have?

I danced at Colorado College, spent a year studying at the Royal Ballet School in London, and moved to NYC to get her Masters in Dance & Dance Education from NYU. I performed professionally and also directed my own dance company for 13 years. I was a licensed dance teacher for the NYC Board of Ed and taught dance in public and private schools, including LaGuardia High School for Performing Arts, and at Queensborough Community College. I received a national certification in Older Adult Exercise while teaching Silver Sneakers and arthritis-based water exercise for 8 years. I continued teaching in local dance studios and as a teaching artist for several arts organizations until 2018. I also co-taught a multidisciplinary arts course at UT, served as a field supervisor for UT dance pedagogy students, and mentored Austin ISD dance teachers.

What excites you about dance and fitness?

What excites me most about my PfP classes is seeing the joy our participants experience! I love hearing how classes make a participant feel better, have better balance, get some pain relief or even get a thumbs up from their doctor after attending for a while! I get my biggest boost from watching participants perform dances, and seeing their faces as the audience cheers for them, every time!


What hobbies or interests do you have outside of movement?

I have little time for hobbies these days as I help take care of both of my elderly parents, but when I can, I do love to visit museums and art galleries with my artist husband, Richard (“Maestro”), and I enjoy dance performances, music concerts and plays. I also love to travel.

Who inspires you?

I am always inspired by my PfP participants, and continue to be inspired by my entire family, especially my parents!

Polly Caprio

Polly Caprio

Brain & Body Instructor


— Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Illinois.

What experience and credentials do you have?

My degree is in Health and Safety Education/Community Health, and I am certified as a group fitness instructor with ACE.

How long have you worked in the fitness industry?

I have worked as a health educator in the fitness industry ever since I graduated from college over 40 years ago.

What excites you about fitness?

Fitness is exciting to me because it has the ability to enhance the quality of people’s lives in a big way. Fitness can prevent so many debilitating conditions in life and at the same time can help people manage various conditions (such as Parkinson’s). I have witnessed so many beautiful and wonderful improvements in the quality of life for people when they exercise (physically, emotionally, socially and mentally).


What hobbies or interests do you have outside of fitness?

I enjoy knitting, reading, art, music, dance, travel, walking my dog and spending time with family and friends.

Who inspires you?

All of my participants throughout the many years I have been teaching continue to inspire me in the most profound way.


Debbie Rosenberg

Strength & Balance Instructor


— Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Miami Beach, Florida

What experience and credentials do you have?

I am an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Class instructor. I am certified in Yoga, Pilates, Senior Fitness, Balance Training, SilverSneakers, Fusion Workouts, TRX, Strength and Conditioning.

How long have you worked in the fitness industry?

I have been in the fitness industry for 43 years.

What excites you about fitness?

I have always been passionate about fitness. My goal is helping to improve my clients quality of life. "Motion is the lotion” is my favorite saying!


What hobbies or interests do you have outside of fitness?

My hobbies include spending time with my family, travel (I have a travel business called Deb on Holiday), hiking, yoga, reading, gardening and mahjong just to name a few.

Who inspires you?

I am inspired by strong, independent women. Oprah and Michelle Obama are two of my favorites.


Maggie Moore

Powerful Pipes Vocal Exercise Instructor


— Where did you grow up?

I grew up and have lived in Austin, Texas for my entire life.

How long have you been involved in music?

I have been singing as long as I can remember!


What experience and credentials do you have?

I have a Bachelors in Theatre & Dance with a concentration in Musical Theatre from The University of Texas at Austin. In addition to youth choirs and various performances growing up, I both sang with and choreographed for The University of Texas Longhorn Singers throughout college.

What excites you about music?

The benefits of music are so far-reaching. From improving mood to enhancing cognitive function to protecting memory and even assisting with quality of movement, everyone can benefit from the universal language of music!


What hobbies or interests do you have outside of fitness?

I can generally be found singing, cooking, baking, walking, dancing, or spending time with friends and family!

Who inspires you?

Everyday people doing everyday things! Life is hard, and I am constantly in awe of humanity and the resilience of individuals to thrive through the hardest of circumstances.


Nadine Eram

Relax & Reset Instructor


— Where did you grow up?

Melbourne, Australia

How long have you worked in movement?

15 years.


What experience and credentials do you have?

I am a physiotherapist with 15 years of experience working in Geriatric care. I am also a qualified yoga, meditation and Pilates teacher.

What excites you about movement?

I love how slowing down and mindfully moving and breathing can create huge internal shifts within us. My focus when teaching Relax and Reset is to encourage people to pause, take time out for themselves and just be. At the end class my hope is that you feel more ease, peace and relief in your body and mind.


What hobbies or interests do you have outside of movement?

I love to travel and am constantly planning adventures for myself and my family!! When I am not in travel mode, you can find me spending time in cafes reading, doing jigsaw puzzles and running around after my toddler!

Who inspires you?

The PFP participants inspire me with the way they show up every day for themselves and to exercise with their community. They inspire me to create classes that support them both physically and emotionally!

Mary Holder.png

Mary Holder

Brain & Body Instructor


— Where did you grow up?

I grew up in San Angelo Texas originally born in Mexico City DF

How long have you worked in movement?

38 yrs in the fitness industry
6 yrs with Power for Parkinson’s


What experience and credentials do you have?

Silver Sneakers
Older Adult Exercise (Cooper Institute)
Aquatics Specialist Facilitator
A hands-on holistic myofascial release technique

CPR/AED Certified

What is your advice for fitness?

My motto is, “exercise is the best medicine, and it’s free!“


What hobbies or interests do you have outside of movement?

I enjoy taking yoga classes, working out, love family time (4 Grand boys-1 in the oven)

Who inspires you?

Inspired by all the fit dedicated seniors who are so committed to Fitness!


“I’ve tried several different programs and classes for Parkinson’s and this is the best!”

Paul M.  June 2019
Class Attended: Bellmont at Lakeway


Help us engage people with Parkinson's in regular exercise to slow or even reverse the effects of Parkinson's disease, improve their overall sense of well-being, provide opportunities for socialization, and help prevent the isolation that often accompanies the disease.

100% of your donation will directly support people with Parkinson’s. All donations are received into Power for Parkinson’s general account, which funds countless aspects of PFP.